1. Books read:
The Stand, by Stephen King.
A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking.
Currently reading:
Cell, by Stephen King
I'm not counting these but I'm also reading / have read a bunch of MLP fan fiction.
My Little Dashie, by ROBCakeran53.
Heonnshy, by Fenix.
And a bunch other short one chapter stories not worth mentioning.
2. Marathon Training:
Got a stationary bike and riding that on occasion. Making progress and that's the main thing.
4. Flip:
Not much done here. Doing handstands and stuff. Surely my overall fitness increase is helping this too.
5. Android Game:
Another game. This one based on Raiden.
Also have a working prototype. Doing this one straight to Android instead of coding to PC and then porting, like I tried with the last one. Once I get the prototype working, I'll post it up here.
6. Foods:
Had some Takoyaki a couple weeks ago. Pretty damn good so had some more this week again. That will do it for me, but I'm going to keep eating odd stuff where I can.
3. 7. 8. 9. 10. The rest:
Yeah, nothing. Some of these are one off things that I don't really need to prepare for, and will just happen when they happen.
On a funny note, this guy: