Monday, 20 July 2015

Opening new tabs with Dojo, Ajax and Safari on iPad

Recently found out that Safari won't call in a callback when using dojo.xhrPost and dojo.xhrGet. This is a false positive with the popup blocker. The pop up blocker is usually a good thing, so we don't want to just tell the user to disable it. We need another way to get around this.

Spent a good amount of time finding the answer to this, so figured I'd re-post it in case someone else has the same troubles.

For reference, I needed to do this as the page I wanted to open wouldn't be available until after a server hit was processed. Here's what I had.

    url: some/url.html,
    load: function(){'some/other/url.html');

Without boring you with the details, the solution was to move the call out of the callback and then hold the window reference in a variation so that the window location could be updated after the server hit.

var winRef =; 
    url: some/url.html,
    load: function(){
        winRef.location = 'some/other/url.html';

Big thanks to Jens Arps for the solution to this issue.